- Try planting drought-tolerant and regionally adapted plants in areas that are hard to water or that receive little use. This may include narrow strips near sidewalks or driveways and steep hills.
- Cover pools and spas to avoid evaporation.
- Sweep your driveways and sidewalks with a broom instead of spraying them off with a hose.
- Check outdoor faucets, pipes, hoses, and pools for leaks.
- Change your lawn mower to a 3-inch clipping height and try not to cut off more than one-third of the grass height when you mow.
- Consider replacing infrequently used lawn areas with low-water use plants or ground covers.
- Apply as little fertilizer to your lawn as possible. Applying excess fertilizer increases water consumption and actually creates more mowing for you! Use iron-based fertilizers to simply “green-up” your lawn instead.
- Recycle and reuse the water in fountains and other ornamental water fixtures.
- Check the level in your pool using a grease pencil. Your pool shouldn’t lose more than ¼ inch each day. If it is losing more than this, check elsewhere for leaks.
- Avoid bursting or freezing pipes by winterizing your outdoor spigots.