My Innovia Perks has more than 1,500 deals and coupons from over 400 retailers covering all product categories – with more added daily. Enjoy great online savings at well-known retailers like Macy’s, Target, Best Buy, and more. Simply log onto your account from the "My Account" tab and click Useful links.
Avalon Management is proud to announce a new benefit for our communities’ residents; My Innovia Perks! With this exciting new program you now have access to exclusive savings and services.
My Innovia Perks has more than 1,500 deals and coupons from over 400 retailers covering all product categories – with more added daily. Enjoy great online savings at well-known retailers like Macy’s, Target, Best Buy, and more. Simply log onto your account from the "My Account" tab and click Useful links. When reporting suspicious and/or illegal activity please contact the police at 951-776-1099 ext 5. The phone calls are recorded and as needed the police will be able to search for phone calls by address or geographic area. To report reoccurring issues please go to, click on “All Departments”, then “ Police”, then select the appropriate team (i.e. Traffic or Problem Oriented Policing Team) and you will be able to contact the appropriate individual at the police department. · Plant your garden when temperatures are cooler and plants require less water—this is also less stressful for the plants. · Use a thick layer of mulch (2 ½ to 3”) around landscape plants and on bare soil surfaces—this reduces evaporation, promotes plant growth and reduces weeds. · Arrange plants in your garden according to watering need. This is called “Hydrozoning”. · Remove weeds from the garden—this helps cut down on excess water consumption due to plant competition. · Don’t overreact and try to drown the brown spots in your lawn. Simply moisten the area up a bit and the grass will green up in a few days. · Don’t over-water your plants. Learn how much water they need & how best to apply just the right amount. |
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April 2023