May 17 & 18 2014, 11:00 AM, Old Town Temecula
Join the cast from the Temecula Gunfighters, numerous visiting gun fighting clubs and other Old West costumed characters as they perform humorous skits and the high noon shoot out and robbery at The Bank. The weekend events include western exhibits, western music, trick ropers, calf roping demonstrations and an ICS Chili Cook-off on Sunday. Hours are 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM both days.
For more information on this exciting event, please visit www.cityoftemecula.org or call (951) 694-6480.
Memorial Day Ceremony
May 26, 2014, 8:00AM, Civic Center
Let’s remember our heroes with a procession along Main Street featuring scouts, military personnel and patriotic music followed by a small ceremony on the steps of the Civic Center. Wear your red, white and blue and don’t forget your flag.